Know Your Inspiration

I’m feeling the ups and downs a lot lately; the motivating moments followed by (a little longer than usual) unmotivating moments. But what’s keeping me moving forward is using my down time to do some introspective learning through journaling exercises and creative exploration.

Two years ago at this time of year, I was entering into the Tools For Women residency at Makerlabs - and learned so many new skills I never even thought of pursuing before. It refocused me, re-energized me and inspired my work; ultimately helping me out of the burnout I was experiencing (If only I knew what the next year would bring, I had no clue what REAL burnout looked like pre-covide haha).

After my residency was over, I made a deal with myself to try a new creative skill every month - which I was doing great at, until the pandemic hit and I just couldn’t find the motivation to keep it up.

Well, here we are a year after - and through my journaling and introspection (due to copious amounts of time spent at home), I’m re-realizing some important pieces of myself. Pursuing creative avenues other than my graphic design work inspires me to do better work and live more creatively. SO, I’ve made a promise to myself to pick up that paint brush again, pursue my personal passion projects and be more curious about what it means to be creative.

I’m interested to know how you’ve gotten over burnout, either creatively or personally. I’m always looking to add to my emotional first aid kit! What are some of the tools you use to get yourself out of a rut?

Hailey Jayne

Graphic designer based in Vancouver, BC.

Healing Into 2023


Know Your Values